The Final War | Chapter 3: CCP’s Secret Agenda to Defeat America

Epoch Cinema

When asked who is to blame for the recent downturn of U.S.-China relations, many point to Xi Jinping and Donald Trump. But is it really so? In this chapter, we plowed through the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 100-year history of U.S. policy and discovered a chilling fact: Starting from CCP founder Mao Zedong, generations of Party leaders have truthfully implemented the longstanding agenda: defeat the United States of America, either through belligerent anti-American campaigns, or hiding their strength and biding their time.

Why is this documentary important?

It was two years in the making. The United States and China have entered a deep, downward spiral.

Where did it all begin? If you go by the mainstream media, it was Xi and Trump who plunged relations to their lowest point. Was it really so? On the China side, are the CCP’s recent aggressions a product of Xi’s personality? Or part of a larger scheme?

What is the Chinese regime’s long-term strategy toward the United States? What’s the root cause of this U.S.-China standoff? We have to get to the bottom of this.

With CCP insiders, we tracked down what really happened between the United States and China over the past decades—the rise and fall of U.S.-China relations. Behind this history is the Chinese communist regime’s 100-year agenda to defeat America.

“The Final War” is a must-watch for anyone who cares about the freedom of America.

EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTARY—The Final War | Chapter 3: CCP’s Secret Agenda to Defeat America